Wednesday, September 21, 2011

International Peace Day ~ September, 21st

September, 21st - A beautiful day to celebrate Peace and to embrace it.

Peace can be found only within, it only comes from within, never from outside. Peace can be spread outside only if we can truly, deeply and purely feel it and embrace it inside.

We can find peace within only after a certain balance inside us has been reached, a balance that is harmoniously achieved after allowing to live more and more in love, faith, trust, acceptance and compassion, towards us and towards others.

Peace is a cell always alive in our DNA, in our essence, that define us, but which is sometimes and in many times hard to achieve, because we tend, through human experience, to lose contact with our inner self, with our true essence and desires as spiritual beings.

Peace is not only a goal, it is not only an idea or a principle, many have been searching for. Peace is first and foremost a state of mind, a state of existence and a way of living.

And on this beautiful day of September, I wish you all to find the peace in yourself and to shine it in the world, so brightly and strong, so that tomorrow be for you a day lived in pure blessing and joy.


Ana-Maria Georgescu
President of WICO Romania

 "When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others." ~ Peace Pilgrim


Friday, September 16, 2011

The Longing for Union
 "There is a hunger, a longing, deep within your heart
And it has been there from the moment you were born
It is not this foolish longing for romance or money
It is not this hunger for success and recognition
It is not even a desire to be surrounded by beauty
The hunger that presses upon you so acutely
is simply the longing for you to reach again
the state of complete oneness,
to access your own soul, right here within you
For it has not left you, of course
It has not ventured away and gotten lost
in the forest of your life
It has merely been a bit covered over,
like an old garden wall that gets covered
in moss and brambles over time

But yet, this wall of a body
still holds within it the glorious garden of the soul
It still harbors that great and glorious blossoming
that is you
You, who are individual and unique and,
at the very same time, one with all that is
You, who are this glorious body
vitally alive in this lifetime,
and at the very same time,
this soul that is ethereal and immortal, ever present
And so the longing then is for union
Union of all the different parts that are you
The part of you that is this body
and the part of you that is this soul
The part of you that is unique and the part of you
that is exactly one with all else that is
The part of you that is God

First, go within and find the union
Find the peace that is you
Find yourself deeply within
and deeply one with all that is
Then come back out and live
Live with vibrancy
Live with zest
Allow yourself to feel and enjoy everything
that this glorious life holds
Allow yourself to fall in love with every moment of it
Infuse this fabulous adventure of a life
with your own golden glow of being

You are, right now, what you need to be
You are, right now, the perfect expression
of all that needs expressing
From this place, right here, right now,
go deep inside and find yourself,
this self you will bring forth to shine out
Nothing else is needed

Here is a prayer for your today
I am all that I need to be
I am enough, for peace, for joy, for love,
for happiness unbounded
It is all within me
And I, just as I am, deserve all of this bounty
I am the wonderful, glowing expression of life and spirit
I am the balance where it all meets
I am the gladness and the joy of all creation
made manifest
I am the flowering and the opening

~ by Carrie Hart~

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remembering September, 11th

A change in history has happened in September, 11th 2001. A change in the course of humanity.

A change that will always remain in our hearts, a change many will never forget.

This change is nothing else but the return to our consciousness...., the return to the truth that we, no matter which nation, culture, religion are part of, are all ONE. 

We are ONE, because we are under the same sky, onto the same earth and breath the same air and...,the most important thing, we feel, need and search for the same energy and feeling: Love.

The fact that our misconceptions and rules about life, wealth and safety have been all wrong, along the course of humanity and the fact that we have searched to have all that through manipulation, wars, cruel power and control are no longer available and potent and events like 9/11 come to confirm that.


Why fight, why destroy, why conquer, if, at the end, in our hearts we all want the same things from this life: happiness, love, peace, abundance, family and friends to share joy with. 

What's the purpose in taking someone's friend or relative, in destroying lives, if we want to have, all that, for ourselves? Why wish others to be poor, for us to be rich? Why wish others to have nothing for us to have all? Why wish others to be miserable, for us to be happy? Why wish all that, when after all, we are them and they are us....And as an universal law of life would state: what you wish for the other, you actually 'ask' and get for yourself.

It could be you the one born in the place of a human being whom now maybe you have no respect for (for his culture or religion) or it could be him instead of you... Separation and distinction among human beings come only when the Mind and judgement allow it to. Heart never will.

After all, life is a gift for all, nobody earned life and happiness. Did you remember having an exam before being born and earning to be more happy and wealthy than another human being? If not so, then we ALL have the same right to life and to its goodies and beauties.

A step into consciousness, which is most of the times released through happenings like 9/11, will always, always make you be and feel you wouldn't have wanted to be in the shoes of the affected one. It is a time when you think you could be him and this gives birth to a real Compassion in the heart. A compassion that is not far from the feeling of love. And actually, compassion is not born then, it is already there, only that events like this one make you discover it. 

Compassion and love and the truth that we are actually together and one in this experience called life...

This is what, on a day like September, 11th, we should always remember and hold true in our collective heart.

And remember, you hold the power of change!


Ana-Maria Georgescu
President of WICO Romania